tamil people killers are in drinks party

தமிழ் கொலைகார கூட்டங்களின் சங்கமம்..


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. மன்னிக்கவும் தோழா மேலே இடப்பட்ட இடுகைகள் தவிர்க்க முடியாத காரணங்களுக்காக அழிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது..
    நமது கருத்தினை நாகரிகமாக சொல்ல முயல்வோம் தோழா..
    மீண்டும் எங்களை மன்னியுங்கள் தங்களின் இடுகையை அழித்தமைக்கு...

  3. Dear administrator you only can remove my message from this blog.... as a citizen of world even the whole world come against me , even kill me..... my standand statement is remain same india is a world number one mother fucker country ..... sonia is a world most disgusting bitch for she can keep the killer of her mother in law from singh community as PM. and let the killer of her husband wipe out...at first stage that sonia bitch must come to acknowledge why her husband was murdered.... the fact is IPKF RAPED YOUNG GIRLS OF TAMILS AND KILLED THE INNOCENT... SO THE MOTHER FUCKER RAJIVE DESERVED TO BLOW OFF.... U BLADY BASTARD RAJAPAKSE WAIT YOUR TIME WILL ARRIVED SOON , THEN THE WHOLE COMMUNITY OF TAMIL DIASPORA WILL JOY WHEN YOUR HEAD GET BLOW OFF INTO PICES. INDIA AND TAMILNADU WILL WIPE OUT FROM THIS EARTH SOON BY THE MOTHER NATURE.
